Configure your experience
In Curious Events we work for your dream to come true. We bring the term tourism to a superior level offering a much more advanced, personalized and professional service. We create experiences!. How do we do? Over 15 years in the industry has allowed us to refine the process to let your ideas stand out. You’ll be the one who you decides where, what and how to expend your time in Spain. Whether you come in a large group or as a couple, accompanied by relatives or institutions, seek a rural or urban environment … If you want you can be accompanied all the time by Danish expert guides on your subject. Naturally we also included travel insurance that will cover any incidence.
Contact us, tell us your idea and we will make it happen.
Tell us what is your idea of perfect trip. Tell us what experience you want to live
Then we will send you a questionnaire to specify issues on travel, accommodations, food ...
We will design step by step, taking care of all the travel details. Once designed, you can check your experiences before live
Throughout the trip will be in contact with one of our team who always travels with you.
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