I love Spain – and Denmark – curiosities…
Yes, I do love Spain – and I love Denmark (where I was born and where I have my roots…) I also have roots here, as iqual parts, I’ve spent half of my life in Denmark and the other half in Spain, my children are born here and they have their roots here which are also mine.. I can choose the best of both “worlds” or countries
Spain is so much more than sun and beaches, in fact the majority of the population live in the interior of the country, we know that you would be delighted to experience all this nature, culture, geographical and social differencies. We know a lot about this…
Spain is a country with so many possibilities: as a visitor, as an entrepreneur or as a company, Spain has it’s own rules and it’s own time and rythms. Spain is a country of contrasts and the spanish people are also “contrasts” within themselves. Looking at their history, they have passed so many changes and yet they have these fantastic ingredients of natural, of origin, of creativity, of being social, of staying alive and moving no matter what or who. We would be delighted to show you all this, in Spain you have a freedom and a liberty to make your proper choice that you’ll not have the opportunity to experience in other surrondings (because of the climate, the nature, the people). And we have the contacts and the will to fullfil your expectations by all means… Get to know the other face of Spain, we’ll show you!
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